Towards an Objective Metric for Preserving Creative Intent Across Displays
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM

In digital content creation, accurately assessing image and video quality is essential to preserve the creator's original intent. Traditional evaluation methods often overlook the unique aspects of rendering systems or focus only on display monitor specifications, missing the viewer's perceptual experience. This study introduces a comprehensive framework that addresses these limitations by integrating a transmission channel model and a human perception model. The transmission channel model simulates how visual content is processed and displayed, considering the rendering device's capabilities and constraints. The human perception model predicts how viewers interpret the content, factoring in color fidelity, brightness, contrast, and texture. By combining these models, the framework offers a more holistic evaluation of content quality, assessing how well the displayed content aligns with the creators' vision and viewer satisfaction. Tested against a subject-rated database, the framework demonstrated superior performance in predicting viewer satisfaction, providing a valuable tool for content creators, display manufacturers, and researchers.

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Take-Aways from this Presentation

Recognize the limitations of current methods in assessing image and video quality. Explore a comprehensive framework integrating transmission channel and human perception models for holistic content quality evaluation considering both display technology characteristics and human perceptual experience. Understand how this framework accurately assesses creative intent preservation in real-world content, and achieves superior performance when validated against a subject-rated database