SMTPE ST 2110 Training Part 2: PTP/ST 2059 made easy
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Genlock with analogue black was easy. You just plugged your analog black reference coax cable into the plug labelled genlock and it worked. You had 2 SPGs and 1 ACO and your master reference was done. Easy peasy and hard to get wrong. PTP/2059 adds a lot of flexibility and unfortunately this allows you to do it wrong. Some early implementations did it wrong and had issues. This has created some bad feelings in the industry towards PTP/ST 2059. This course will cover some easy to follow PTP/ST 2059 best practices that will ensure a successful PTP/ST 2059 deployment.

Technical Depth of Presentation
Take-Aways from this Presentation

Learn why migrating to IP is essential and how it can transform your operations; Gain in-depth understanding from renowned professionals on planning, designing, and deploying ST 2110 networks. Get hands-on experience with the nuts and bolts of ST 2110, including PTP best practices and network design, and enhance your credentials with a prestigious SMPTE certificate, demonstrating your expertise in cutting-edge media technology;