Full Name
Stuart C. Young
Job Title
Senior Solutions Engineer
Television New Zealand Ltd.
Award Name
SMPTE Fellow
Award Description
The Fellow Grade of membership is awarded to individuals who have, by proficiency and contributions, attained an outstanding rank among engineers or executives in the motion-picture, television, or related industries.
Honoree Bio
I am currently a Senior Solutions Engineer with Television New Zealand Ltd (TVNZ) I currently have a variety of responsibilities with TVNZ. From maintaining and developing technical standards for TVNZ, to researching possible solutions for business cases, tender/procurement documents and their implementation. For some light relief I also write bespoke software for both cloud and local applications, for controlling or suppling data for some TVNZ’s systems. My history in television is long, starting 55 years ago in the era of monochrome analogue television as a trainee for the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation (NZBC). I then held a range of engineering positions within the New Zealand television industry seeing in the changes to colour, digital systems, and now to IP and cloud technologies.
Stuart C. Young