Company Name
Neoti dvLED
Booth Number
Business Category
Content Protection / Security, Display / Display Systems / Monitors, Physical Infrastructure / Production facility/control room/studio design, UHD / AV Infrastructure

Neoti™ dvLED is a US-based company specializing in innovative LED displays delivering stunning visual experiences to the broadcast, motion picture, entertainment and enterprise industries. The award-winning UHD Pro™ series is the world's first Pantone™ Validated and SkinTone™ validated LED display. European engineering and manufacturing makes it fully TAA-compliant, delivering the highest level of security available in LED. Visit to learn more about our full suite of products and the Pantone Validation.
What will you be demonstrating or showcasing at your booth during the 2024 MTS?
UHD Pro XF+, the word's only Pantone Validated and Skin Tone Validated dvLED display