Apply to Speak in the Emerging Technology Showcase!

The Emerging Technology Showcase stage in the Solutions Hub will feature a program of sessions focused on emerging technologies Tuesday and Wednesday, 22 & 23 October. Exhibitors and Sponsors at the $4,500 level and above are eligible to participate at no extra cost. We encourage you to submit a proposal for inclusion in this program.

This area is meant to be a lively, informal, and interactive setting within which exhibitors can present use cases, network with attendees, and facilitate further conversation at their booth.

What Does This Entail?

  • 20-minute presentation slot on the Emerging Technology Showcase stage within the Solutions Hub for 1 presenter and/or up to 4 panelists
  • Presentation slots are available Tuesday and Wednesday, 22 & 23 October.
  • Open auditorium with approximately 30 seats
  • Video recording of each presentation will be made  available to attendees on an exclusive basis for 30 days following the event. After that point, recordings may be shared by the Exhibitor or Sponsor, with an indication that the presentation was part of the SMPTE Media Technology Summit.
  • No additional participation fee for Sponsors & Exhibitors at $4,500 in booth fees and/or sponsorship and above.


  • Proposal Submissions open: 1 August 2024

  • Proposal deadline: Rolling - Submissions will be considered as they are received.

  • Decision returned: within 3 weeks of submission receipt

  • Draft presentation due: 1 Sep 2024

  • Comments returned: 1 Oct 2024

  • Final presentation due: 11 Oct 2024

Selection Criteria

  • Each proposed presentation will be reviewed by a selection committee

  • Presentation must address a single use case related to the application of emerging technologies

    • Describe the use case

    • Discuss the technical solution

    • Present a product that implements the solution

  • Must be a media and entertainment use case
  • We are especially seeking submissions related to the following topic areas:
    • Media Production Innovations 
    • Cloud-Based Workflows
    • Next-Generation Displays
    • Web-Based Production Tools
    • HDR and WCG Production
    • AI


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